IOT (Internet of Things)

IoT In The Startup Context

IOT (Internet Of Things)

We truly live in a world where easy access via interconnected ‘things’ are creating new opportunities.

Interconnected ‘things’ – big and small have taken over our lives – home, office and city streets – all have become smarter than ever. Extending the internet connectivity beyond standard devices, IoT connects things that you would never think possible. These devices can communicate and interact, these communications can be remotely controlled too. Every device talks to every other device and creates an automated environment. The entire system generates usable data for users and businesses.

IOT & startups – Some Practical Implementations in Today’s World

Some of the devices that can be connected are smart TVs, smart speakers, toys, wearables and other smart appliances. Smart city technologies such as those used to monitor traffic and weather conditions are examples of other IoT implementations.

IoT and Smart Homes

IoT implementations include interconnected devices that simplify living. When a car approaches, it automatically communicates with the sensor on the garage door and the door opens for parking, the thermostat or AC at home is set to the preferred temperature and the lights are turned on and home is as cozy as it could get before you enter!

IoT and the Smart Enterprise

Employees can locate conference rooms and schedule meetings with the help of sensors located in the rooms to convey whether it is empty or occupied. Before a meeting these sensors can also adjust the temperature in the room and turn on the lights.

IoT in Industries

On the plant floor, an assembly line machine fitted with sensors provides data to the plant operator informing the operator when the parts need to be replaced. This helps prevent downtime in industries.

Implementation of IoT has several challenges including security, interoperability, processing capabilities, scalability and availability. If you require expert assistance to get your IoT startup idea off the ground, simply give us a call and our experts will help you analyze your requirements and get you started!